Friday, September 19, 2008

What is time....really?

Jack is at the stage where he knows just enough about numbers and letters to almost tell time or spell something, but not quite. For example:

Jack: When are we going to the beach?
Angie: In about two weeks.
Jack: Two days?
Angie: Two weeks.
Jack: Two minutes?
Angie: No...two weeks, that's 14 days.
Jack: Two pounds?
Angie: AHHH! You have to sleep at least 14 times before we go.

So, you see, we go through this several times a day. I think he really tries to understand and throw words out there that he knows, like minutes, pounds, o'clock, and so on. So then, last night, I was trying to decide if I should put him to bed before Jon got home from his meeting. I asked him...

Angie: Jack, can you see what time it is? (Just knowing I was asking for it.)
He simply answered...
Jack: Well, it's 7, E, H.
Angie: Okay, that's 7:34.

That one brought a smile to my face. :)

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