Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pray, I Can?

My mom came into town on Thursday and will stay for a week to help out with Jack during all the recordings at church. What a help!!! I couldn't participate the way I want to if it wasn't for her!!! So, last night, we went to eat pizza at Mellow Mushroom, one of our favorite places to go when Nana and Poppy come into town. We were sitting at the table, just got our pizza and...

Jon: Could you pray please Jack?

Jack: Ummm, can I pray like Yoda?


Unknown said...

Did you let him pray like Yoda??

Shay Scott said...

Very great that is. Proud of Jack I am.

It is unfortunate that your mother is in town though. We were going to volunteer to take Jack to the fair so we could use him for discounted admission. Oh, we like him too.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, see big slice of Pizza.....use the force on it I will!

That is awesome!

Jesse H.