Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Angie called me with a crisis yesterday while I was at lunch. She was at Wal-Mart doing some grocery shopping (a story that starts with "she was at Wal-Mart" can't be good). It was really hot outside and we'd been thinking that we should buy a little swimming pool for Jackson - he loves the water. So Angie went to look at the pools and bought one - a big, blue one with a slide. Awesome, we got a pool. She had also bought a bunch of groceries. She loaded them in the car and started trying to get the pool in there. After a few tries she realized that it just wasn't going to go. The thing is huge, I don't how this problem wasn't seen ahead of time. She folded it and twisted every way she could and it just wouldn't fit (I wished I had a picture of that). I ended up having to go to Wal-Mart to get the pool. We loaded it in my friend Ryan's truck and took it home. Here's Jackson on the slide:

The water was too cold for me, so I stayed out and just took pictures.

Yesterday morning, Jackson got up and wanted to read his Bible. We made a little pallet on the floor and he laid there forever reading his little Bible story book. I realized that one of my top priorities as his dad should be to teach him to love the Word of God. I know can't make him love it, but I can show him how to love it. I can show him why he should love it. Angie and I strive to do that - to be model lovers of the Word. I want to be able to say to him, just like Paul said, "follow me as I follow Christ".

Busy day tomorrow, gotta get to bed...


Mike Bratton said...

A 7 p.m. bedtime?

You are one busy, busy dude.


Michelle said...


I want to see YOU next on the slide :)

very cute Jack!!

Beth M. said...

What you wrote made me think of this verse: Ps. 1:2 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night." I remember really noticing the word "delight" and thinking about how it implies passion and joy. I will pray that for Jackson too.

Polly said...

The visual of Angie wrestling with a swiming pool is hilarious! Sounds like it's big enough for everybody. So climb on in, cool off, slow down and enjoy your beautiful wife and brilliant boy.