Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

The story begins...
Angie in the shower. About 7:15am Sunday morning. Jack wakes up and frolicks into the bathroom while whistling the Andy Griffith theme song.

Angie: Good morning, Jack.

Jack: You remember this? (Pointing to the used-to-be scab on his forehead)

Angie: Yes, I do.

Jack: It was a Christmas miracle. (It fell off at Christmas time at Big Mama's house)

Angie: You're right!

Jack: Now it's good as nude. Good as nude.


Unknown said...

I guess it's obvious where he gets his whistling talent!

And technically, if the scab is gone, it is as good as nude (the color, that is)!

LeslieTummel said...

So cute! I love your new header pic!