Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stepping Out

"Being emotional about something will cause us to cry, but being compassionate will actually cause us to cross the street." -Perry Noble

This quote perfectly describes what's been going on in our house for the past 2 years. The difference between 2 years ago and today... we're putting our shoes on. We're adopting from Africa.

About 2 years ago, we felt that God had been laying on our hearts the issue of adoption. We attended a meeting at Bethany Christian Services here in Knoxville and coming out of that meeting, we felt sure that God was leading us to adopt internationally, specifically China. Since we did not meet the age requirements yet, we decided to pray and wait. About 5 months ago, we felt again like God was speaking to us again about adoption, this time with more of an urgency. So, after much prayer, we went back to Bethany. We looked into domestic, international, special needs, siblings, and foster care. Leaving that meeting, we still felt 100% called to international adoption. After filling out the preliminary application with the Bethany rep, the only country we qualified for to adopt from right now was Ethiopia. So that's what we're doing... adopting siblings from Ethiopia.

Some info about Ethiopia... Third-world country, approximately 4-6 million orphans in Ethiopia alone, HIV and AIDS galore, severe malnourishment. We have to help. How can we not take this opportunity adopt children that God loves and love them ourselves, clothe them, give them medical care, feed them, and teach them about Jesus. Out of obedience. Not obligation.

So we moved on to the next step which is the homestudy. A homestudy is A TON of paperwork about you, your family, your childhood, fingerprints, background checks, medical stuff, your call to adoption, and on and on and on. We've finished all that and turned it in right after Christmas. Then, a representative from the adoption agency took us through an interview process consisting of 4 interviews. She has written everything up and sent it off for the final approval. We're hoping to hear back REALLY soon so we can begin the immigration paperwork. We're not sure what all that includes. We do know that some of the official paperwork can take several weeks and even months to get back. Please pray that the turnaround is quick.

We'll keep you updated as the process continues. Right now, we need your prayers for our family, extended family, and two little ones over in Africa.

"Delight yourself in the LORD;

And He will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD,

Trust also in Him, and He will do it.

He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."

Psalm 37:4-6


Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you and excited to meet the upcoming newest members of our family!!

Love you guys,


jo said...

Angie and Jon,
We are so thrilled to hear this exciting news. Eric's cousins have been in the adoption process for a time as well and are interested in Ethiopia.
We'll be praying for God's hand to lead each step of the way and for His grace to surround you. Hugs to little Jack. We miss you.

Kristy said...

So excited and happy for you!

Thomp SONS and a daughter said...

We're so excited to hear this news!!! Absolutely wonderful!!

Unknown said...

The Lord could not have "impressed" a more godly family! Your children that are waiting for you in Ethiopia will be blessed beyond measure to be a part of your family. Not everyday will be great, fun, pleasant, etc., by the world's standards but the blessings will flow abundantly and He will be your strength. Keep us posted on this journey! I'll be praying for the three of you and your new children.

Love and blessings,

Kristen Womack said...

This was so beautifully written Angie! I am praying for you all and I hope you can have your little ones soon! My parents told me the story about the night you asked Jack... he is so precious! I can't wait to meet those sweet new additions!

Shana said...

So excited for you guys! I told Jon that Billie and I are an open book if you have ANY questions. My email is jladantzler@yahoo.com

Please don't hesitate to email!

We are anticipating the arrival of our daughter in the next couple of weeks! Will know for sure this week.

I had a friend tell me that the adoption journey is not for the faint of heart...she was right. So just get ready for a ride you will never forget! The Lord will use this process to strenthen your faith in Him and to teach you things about yourself!

You will be covered in prayer as you heed this call of obedience.

Shana Dantzler

ps...our adoption blog is journeytoellagrace.blogspot.com

Christi and Justin Tyner said...

Charleigh has requested at least one cousin with a bigger head than she...if Nuggette qualifies then your children are off the hook :)

Parents of Anna Banana said...

I'm so excited for you guys. We used Bethany here in Jackson to adopt Anna. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. Adoption is a step of faith but let me tell you, you are about to get your socks blessed off. Adoption is such an awesome thing. It'll change your life in way that cannot be described till you have done it. I'm so excited for y'all. God is going to do some amazing things in your life through adoption....just hold on. Please let me know if you have any questions at all. Congrats

James and Jo said...

Aunt Jo is so glad she can FINALLY talk about the "African Kids" I love them so much already and Nugget and baby Charleigh really wants one of them to be close to their age!

But seriously, I love you 3 and I am so proud, happy and honored that I am in your family! xoxo

Lee said...

O wow! I have wondered before if you guys had ever considered adoption. How exciting! We will be praying and looking forward to updates.

Five Musgraves at Ten Oaks said...

What an awesome, exciting answer to prayer!!! I can't wait to hear more, and see those precious children!!! Ya'll are so precious for stepping out in faith and I'm thankful that we got to know you

Anonymous said...

Our family will be praying for your family. We just found out you are adopting! We too have the priviledge of adopting two beautiful girls (domestically). It has been such a vivid picture of God's incredible and particular love for His children...it is the gospel of Jesus portrayed in real life! We also are happy to be a resource if need be (particularly relating to transracial adoption). May the Lord continue to provide for you and prove Himself faithful on your behalf! Hoping to purchase some Tshirts! We've never seen those before. How neat. Also, we have had two families adopt two children each from Ethiopia. They are precious! Praying, praying, praying for your family!
The Kings