Monday, May 18, 2009

So here's the list

Jon has started making to-do lists lately at work and has been much more productive. The only time I make lists is for grocery shopping. So I'm starting a to-do list today.
1. Grocery shop
2. Drop off Goodwill stuff
3. Sort through Jack's clothes
4. Clean out guest closet
5. Buy plants for the front porch
6. Watch the last episode of the office

1 comment:

Christi and Justin Tyner said...

Okay, so I am SOOOO a list person... I make a list every day! Well, actually two or three lists...once my original becomes to marked up, I have to re-create. I also enjoy putting things on there that are not necessary to include like...take a shower, eat breakfast, etc. I just like to be able to cross something off! haha

p.s. wasn't the last episode of the Office GREAT! WHAT!!! Jim and Pam??!!