Monday, May 4, 2009

The newest member of our family

Well, we're still looking for him. Jack has really taken a-likin' to caterpillars lately. Every single time he sees one, he picks it up, pets it, feeds it, and then finds a big leaf in which it will then take a "nap" or lay down and not-move-a-muscle from being a little overstimulated. Today, we grabbed a quick kid's meal at Chick-fil-a and guess what the toy was? That's right, a bug jar. So on the way home, my friend Jenny and I heard all about the caterpillar he was going to catch in his jar as soon as we got home. Jenny asked him what he had named his caterpillar. His reply, "Jonathan Chance." It's been rainy on and off all day today, so we're still on the lookout for little Jonathan Chance. Maybe we'll find him tomorrow.


Lee said...

You know, they have some pajamas at Hanna Andersson called "Bug Jar" and they are really cute! They have bug jars on them and lots of different bugs, including (I think) caterpillars. I think Jack needs some to wear while he holds his caterpillar.

Big Mama said...

On the must read list for Camp Big Mama - The Hungry Caterpillar.

Polly said...

What if the caterpillar's a girl? I'm thinking Polly Wolly Chance.