Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Settling In

Well, We've sort of made the move and are started to get settled in Knoxville. It has been a wild few weeks though. I'm in the middle of my second week of work and starting to feel a little more like I'm going to survive. It's been like drinking from a fire hose so far. Angie, Jackson, and Lucy made a trip to Memphis yesterday to pick up some more stuff. We only came with the essentials last week. We're going to leave most everything in Memphis until our house sells. I really miss them and will be glad when they come back. It's amazing how much you miss all the noise that comes along with a 3 year old boy when it's not there for a few days. Angie bought a picture to hang in Jack's room the other day that says:

"Boy (n) - a noise with dirt on it."

It's so true, isn't it. I know it is at our house.

Jackson's doing well with the change. There's a park around the corner from where we're living. It has a stream, 2 playgrounds, and lots of walking tracks and grass and trees. We've been walking over there almost every evening and playing. He likes to throw rocks, sticks, big acorns, etc. in the water.

The people at our new church have really made us feel welcome. Our first Sunday was a lot of fun. We sang an awesome song called "Lord, You're Holy" that really blessed me. I think this is going to be a great place to serve! We're so excited to see what God is going to do. Have a great week everyone.


Unknown said...

This comment is more for the friends, family and loved ones of Jon, Angie, Jackson (and Lucy's if they read this too). My wife and I are choir members here at Sevier Heights BC in Knoxville.And in the short amount of time we have known the Tyner family we have already come to love them and consider them one of us now too. I have talked with many of the choir since we first met Jon and Angie and the standard question is "What do you think of our new choir director, worship minister, etc.?" The typical response is either, "Like him a lot" or "I just love him." (the men usually say the first and women the latter, machismo isnt lost around here).
One thing is for sure, I haven't met anyone that doesn't think that our Heavenly Father has placed him here with us as an answer to our prayers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that the Lord has used in their lives to prepare Jon and Angie for the ministry here at Sevier Heights. Pray that the Lord will move mightily through them to further His kingdom.
If you want to watch Jon at work and listen to 'Lord, You are Holy" just copy and paste this in your browser address bar. Then select the Aug 19 AM Service

God Bless you all and make plans to come to Knoxville.

bob & marsha gillespie

Rene' said...

Jon - You are missed! I hope the Gillespie's and the rest of the church take good care of you! We met your replacement this last week and it's amazing in God's sovereignty how He moved each of you into positions that are so needed and so perfect... But then He is awesome! I will continue to pray for your transition and for Angie and Jackson as well. I love reading the blogs... keep them up so we all know how things are going...
God Bless
Rene' Berryhill

Allison said...

Okay, we've all read your post. Now... post something NEW!

caseyd said...

Dear Jon, Thanks for letting everybody enjoy your musings on this blog. I wish you much happiness in your new location. I know you will do a terrific job there. You are missed!! You would have especially enjoyed the Geron Davis seminar this past week-end. It was great. God Bless you and your family. casey combs