Saturday, June 16, 2012

Summer Routine

If you remember from several posts ago, I'm not a creature of habit nor do I like too much routine. But, I think it's best for my kiddos to keep a few things consistent over the summer without boring the mama to death. :)

So we started a summer routine which has worked really well. They each have a journal that they write in every morning. This is to keep Jack in the habit of writing, to start Ben writing a little, and to encourage free-spirit Eli to actually hold a pencil. So far, it's worked really well, and they remember without me even reminding them. This is my favorite entry of Jack's journal so far.

To keep routine light-hearted and fun, we've come up with creative names for the days, thanks to Pinterest. :)
Masterpiece Monday
Movie Tuesday
Wet Wednesday
Trip Thursday
Play Friday (since Jon is home)

We have a chore chart for every day of the week and a Bible verse they have to learn by Friday in order to get their allowance. The verse this week was Phil. 2:3, "Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself."

Though the days may be long right now, I'm so thankful for the chance to stay home with my kids. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to work full-time and be a mommy full-time. Hats off to you working moms. :)

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