Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog Changes. Or Not.

So the header on our blog is of a super cute 4-year-old boy, who's now 7. And it featured our only child, who's not an only child anymore. And our blog address is because Jon started it 4 years ago. He'd write about random things, and honestly, I never read it. Now he never writes on it. Some people have asked me when I'm going to update these things. The truth is, I'm not a tech-savvy person AT ALL, so I probably won't be changing anything. Since I'm not a creature of habit and like only a few things to be consistent, let's keep the outdated blog. And my morning cup of coffee. And the 8:00 kid bedtime. And that's all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with keeping things like they are...especially the morning cup of coffee and 8:00 bed time :)