Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shopping and Gathering

I recently learned that gift-giving is a BIG part of the culture in Ethiopia. We have been collecting clothes to take to our kiddos orphanage, but I've slightly overlooked the gift-giving to the nannies, caregivers, caseworkers, translators, and all the other people that have helped or will help us along the way. I love to buy gifts, so this is right up my alley. But when it comes to buying things for people you've never met and don't know anything about, gift giving is a little more of a challenge. Then trying to pack gifts for these 40+ people??? My sis-in-law is helping me out with a few fabulous goodies from her online shop and a few other super sweet friends have given some special treats for the nannies. The nannies are the ones who have had the hands-on time with our boys, so we'll give a little extra to them. For the rest of the workers, I'm gathering American goodies such as Ghirardelli chocolates and Starbucks, and a few "orange" items as well. :)

We leave in less than 2 weeks. It sounds so strange to even say it! So much to do between now and then. More on that soon...

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