Monday, October 4, 2010

Waiting. Patiently. And other stuff.

This week, hopefully, we'll hear about a court date for the boys. We keep thinking that it may be today. So, maybe today, we'll hear something. :) We're still thinking about names. We think we have the top two candidates, but are open to suggestions.

In other news, and I will probably jump from subject to subject quickly and randomly, Jack moved into his new room Friday. It's not completely finished yet. Pictures to come very soon though. We had a great night of praise last night which focused on Redemption. In a few days, I'll post a link and you can watch it on the church's website. We're so glad that God has us serving at Sevier Heights. Hopefully many more years to come. Our annual beach trip is coming up! One of our FAVORITE times of the year! Charleigh, who was an itty-bitty 2 week old last year, will be running, eating sand, and splashing in the waves. Can't wait!!! Avery will make her grand appearance this year. I have a feeling she will be a beach bum! It will be so hard to leave these little girls after spending a week with them. Whew.

I was writing Jack's Bible verses on his dry erase board to learn this week, and one of the verses was the same as last year. I remember this particular verse because he could never say it right. The verse is from James 2:10. It says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." It was slightly shortened last year though. I believe when he got into his class and said the verse, it went something like this, "Whoever fumbles the ball gets just one point." Not even close. Funny though. We'll try harder to learn it word for word this year.

Back to adoption stuff for just a second, we have a friend from college who has also decided to adopt from Ethiopia. We've only kept in touch through facebook, but now since they've decided to adopt, it's kept us in closer touch, which I am so thankful for. If you get a second, you should read Kelly's blog.

I guess that's all for now. Have a great fall day!


Big Mama said...

I had the great privilege of meeting an adopted child from Ethiopia this past Saturday night. The pastor from Temple performed the ceremony of a wedding I attended and his children were there. What a joy to actually see the face and touch the hand of a child from half way around the world!

Shanle said...

I love the randomness! This is exactly how my brain works. Welcome to my world!

Micah Tallent said...

Angie, This is so exciting. We have friends of ours that are leaving the 24th of this month for their first court hearing in Ethopia. We are still waiting on ours from India. We think of you often and your in our prayers daily. God Bless Micah Tallent