Sunday, December 11, 2011

Be Still and Know

I've been learning what it means to "be still and know." I don't like to sit still, and frankly, it's not really possible around here, but God has His ways and through circumstances that He's orchestrated, I'm learning. One thing I've learned, or maybe that I've known all along, is that we all have "seasons of life." Sometimes our circumstances restrict our activities. With one self-sufficient child, we could still do almost whatever we needed or wanted to do. But having three children now, especially young children, I'm learning our "season of life" has taken two giant steps back, and that's okay.

So right now, our "season of life" does not allow us to go out to eat very often, especially where we have to wait. It also doesn't allow us to shop for more than about 15 minutes or go out of town for a weekend getaway. We spend a lot of time just maintaining the cleanliness of our house inside and out, instead of changing out our flower beds with the season or cook meals that take more than 30 minutes. All of this will come eventually. The fingerprints on the refrigerator will get higher and higher until they're gone, and then our "season of life" will change once again.

Our "season of life," however, does not excuse us from doing what God has called us all to do. God still calls us to carry out the Great Commission, no matter your stage of life. And not just give money or pray for those going (which are GREAT things to do), He calls us to GO. After hearing the message this morning, it confirms what God has already been teaching me. And although this "season of life" may be the most difficult to pack up and go, He still wants us to be available. (And you're not available if you don't have a passport. CLICK HERE to apply online.)

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20


Lee said...

I love that the translation is literally "as you go". So I'm reminded to apply these scriptures right where I am in a very similar season to the one you described ... A season where I am making disciples right here in my home as these little ones grow. A mother has such an amazing discipleship position! Only grace will do.

Rebekah said...

Sounds like having an infant all over again!