Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Referring to the annual beach trip, of course. And here are a few reasons why...

1.) Seeing some of my favorite people all week (especially the one in this picture.)
2.) The extra bit of energy from doing absolutely nothing.
3.) Eating cookies for breakfast.
4.) Applying sunscreen anyway you want because you won't see another person on the beach.
5.) Seeing the new additions for the first time.
6.) Wearing whatever if you please, even if that includes a fruity-licious hat.
7.) Blending in the the sand on day 1. Blending in with my bathing suit on day 5.


The Hills said...

The only thing better than cookies for breakfast is pie for breakfast! Looks like ya'll had a great time!

Christi and Justin Tyner said...

Hey, Joanna stole my baby!

Jon and Angie Tyner said...

I know! I didn't have a picture of you holding her! I can't believe it! :)

Big Mama said...

Where is Jack in picture #5?