Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby

I'm stuck at home this morning due to some unexpected ice on the roads. EVERYTHING is shut down (maybe not everything, but it sure seems like it). As luck would have it we got home last night from dinner out with friends and noticed our heat wasn't keeping up with the thermostat. I crawled around under the house like I knew what I was looking for until I realized what an idiot I am about heating and air units. I finally gave up and we resolved to be cold. Angie and I filled up the air mattress (that we borrowed forever ago from our friends Shay and Shanle) and we all (Jack included) slept on it in front of the fireplace. Turns out our house is pretty well insulated... don't get me wrong, it's still cold but it could be a lot worse. I called our builder first thing this morning. He knows how to fix it but can't get over here yet because of the ice. AGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! We're making a memory - I guess.

I have a really busy few weeks coming up. Pray for my health and for the joy of the Lord to be my strength. I have several really great ministry opportunities and I don't want to just be on auto-pilot, I really desire to be filled with the power of the Spirit to glorify Jesus. I'll be away from Angie and Jackson a lot more than usual too so pray for them also.

Here's my favorite picture of Jackson from Christmas this year:

He was helping me hang up pictures.

Stay warm and have a great week enjoying Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Jon how good to hear from y'all. Jackson is really growing and know he is a GREAT help, certainly dressed for the part. Safety glasses and ALL!
Do hope you have thawed out and all your toes are all wiggly and pinky.

Take care, pray for you and Angie and Jackson - Keep up the GOOD work!!
Love to All. BJK

LeslieTummel said...

hi jon! i found your blog through katie wagner's site. :) i put a link from my blog too...just another way for me to keep up with what's going on at home! hope you're having a great weekend, and i'm so excited to play with you guys in woodstock! see you then. ~leslie tummel

James and Jo said...

Bless his heart... Jack looks like Gee-Daddy!!! LOVE THE SUSPENDERS! Can't wait to see you this weekend! xoxo

Katie said...

That is a great picture of Jackson! You'll have to pull that back out when he's about 16. :)