Monday, November 26, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Wow. There is so much going on right now. We had a great Thanksgiving. My dad and stepmother came up from Pensacola. We had a lot of fun with them.

Also, we're finally moving. We will close on a new house in Knoxville on Wednesday of this week. The movers will arrive Thursday morning with all of our stuff - Happy day! We also sold our house in Memphis! What a blessing!

Also, our church is getting ready to present our Living Christmas Tree. I'll be directing it for the first time. It's going to be a lot of fun! You can check out more info here.
I realized again this year how blessed I am. I have a beautiful, healthy family that loves me in spite of myself. I love my job. I have great friends and a great church. God is good (I'm also thankful that His goodness doesn't depend on me having any of those things).

This is a picture of my 2 favorite people a couple of weeks ago at our house. Aren't they cute!


Heather said...

Wow PRAISE the LORD!!!!!! We are so exciting to hear about your house here in Memphis selling and getting your own house up there. God's timing is truly perfect!! Abigail constantly asks about Jack Jack when we pass by your neighborhood. Hopefully we can come visit sometime soon. I know that your Living Tree will go great!!! Have a early MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
The Ellis'

Brandi said...


You sold your house!!! That is fantastic news and an answer to prayer. Whoo-hoo! Now you can get settled in and just in time for Christmas.

That picture...Jackson is getting so big. He is as cute as ever and, of course, Angie as beautiful.

It is great to hear a bit of news and I know you will do a wonderful job directing your Christmas program. Be sure to take your vitamins and stay healthy!

Miss y'all...

Tim Greer said...

Johnny T.--

I couldn't believe you found my bloggage. Did you survive your first time at the helm of the tree? I looked at pics on your link; the production looks gi-normous! Give us details; how did it go? Hope you guys are all doing well and loving your new home.
