Monday, May 4, 2009


This is stolen from my sister's blog, but I was going to write the same thing anyway. Too funny not to share. Hannah (my older niece) is doing a Flat Stanley project at school. If you're not familiar with Flat Stanley, he's the main character in the series of kids' books by the same name. He gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him, so his parents send him on adventures around the world in an envelope because it's cheaper than airfare. Hannah chose to send her Flat Sue to Poppy in Afghanistan. Here's some of Sue's adventures:

Countries who currently have soldiers on Poppy's base (L to R): United States, United Nations (NATO), Afghanistan, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, New Zealand

Two American guards at the gate

Afghan guards at the gate
(They can barely contain their excitement).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is too cute. How great of the soldiers to take pictures with her!