Thursday, May 28, 2009


While out in a restaurant today, Jack is misbehaving. After several warnings, I say...

Angie: Jack, do we need to go to the bathroom?

Jack: And do what?

Angie: Talk. (spoken with a stern look, or so I thought)

Jack: Oh, I'd love to go talk!

Angie: (Trying not to laugh) And get a spanking.

Jack: Well, I'd love to talk, but I don't really want the spanking.


Big Mama said...

I LOVE THAT KID! He cracks me up.

Big Mama said...

I forgot to ask,"What did y'all talk about?"

Christy said...

Oh my word, Angie! I laughed out loud when I read this!!! He's such a cute kid. :) Hope you are well!!