Sunday, June 26, 2011

11 Things We've Learned

1. If something in the house is missing, check the backyard.
2. If they say they've brushed their teeth, don't assume they used the end of the toothbrush with the bristles.
3. They really do like to play babies, even if they say they don't.
4. The fear of abandonment is a real thing.
5. You can't assume anything, such as knowing you can't open an umbrella in the car while driving.
6. Speaking the same language is not essential for most communication.
7. If someone eats toothpaste, it comes out the EXACT same color. Gross.
8. Tennis shoes are a treasure when you've never had them before.
9. Routine is a must, especially if there's a communication barrier.
10. Imaginations can be developed even at the ages of 3 and 4, especially if there's an overly imaginative 7-year-old involved.
11. When you don't think your house could possibly get any louder, it can.


Rebekah said...

Keep blogging! I enjoy reading!

Laynie said...

I LOVE this list!

Laynie said...

I LOVE this list!