Thursday, February 26, 2009

Early Riser

Tuesday morning, Jack woke up a little earlier than normal...around 5:40. So of course, I had a little person sitting with me while I was reading my Bible. Usually if he is awake while I am having my quiet time, I'll turn on Tom & Jerry - one of his favorites and they don't talk, so it's really easy to read. But Tuesday morning, he didn't want to watch TV.

Jack: Mommy, I don't really want to watch TV. I just want to play.

Angie: That's fine. Just play really quietly so I can read.

Jack: If I play quietly, the pirates won't be able to hear each other talk.

Angie: I think they can hear just fine.

Jack: But they have really tiny ears!


Unknown said...

He makes a very good point.

Big Mama said...

Red Riding Hood: But Grandma, what big ears you have.

Wolf: Better to hear you with my dear.

Evidence that the lawyer and Jack are both correct.